PRESS RELEASE Electricity: more security, participation and efficiency at lower cost with new dispatching rules More space for the consumer-producer and a drive for renewables and energy communities…
ARERA: THE FIGURES FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES The volumes of ARERA’s Annual Report are now on-line. 2022 data for electricity, gas, water and waste. Rome, 11 July 2023 With the presentation by the Board…
PRESS RELEASE Gas: bill at -1.1% for June consumption ARERA communicates the value of the commodity: 33,14 €/MWh, expenditure in the rolling year at -8.9% Milan, 4 July 2023 – The gas bill for the…
PRESS RELEASE Electricity: protected electricity bill almost unchanged at +0.4% Besseghini: “efficiency and energy savings remain key” Milan, 28 June 2023 - Electricity bill for the typical…
PRESS RELEASE GdF-ARERA: more controls on supplier activities in view of the end of electricity and gas standard offer service 6.8 million euros recovered through joint activities Inspections…
PRESS RELEASE Flood: 4-month suspension of payment deadlines for electricity, gas, water and waste bills Possible further extension for worst hit population Milan, 15 June 2023 – The period of…
PRESS RELEASE Clara Poletti receives the Tecnovisionarie Award Awards presented in Rome to 12 energy and environment female professionals who have stood out for their vision, capacity for social…
PRESS RELEASE Gas: substantially stable, -0.2%, for May consumption ARERA communicates the value of commodity: 34,06 €/MWh the reduction in gas prices offset by the elimination of the UG2 discount…
PRESS RELEASE Emilia-Romagna emergency: urgent ruling by ARERA for the suspension of payment of water, electricity, gas and waste bills Milan, 19 May 2023 - ARERA has just approved an emergency…
PRESS RELEASE Gas: bill at +22.4% for consumption in April 2023, but rolling year expenditure at -3.9% ARERA communicates the value of the commodity: 44,83 €/MWh Despite a slight fall in gas prices,…
Risultati visualizzati: da 21011 fino a 21020 - Totale: 21973
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