Allegato A Allegato A alla deliberazione 6 aprile 2017 228/2017/R/com, così come modificato e integrato dalle deliberazioni 20 luglio 2017, 543/2017/R/com, 18 dicembre 2018, 684/2018/R/com e 19…
Confronto Obiettivi strategici 2022-2025 e Agenda ONU per lo sviluppo sostenibile al 2030
Allegato 1 Confronto Obiettivi strategici 2022-2025 e Agenda ONU per lo sviluppo sostenibile al 2030 AGENDA…
PRESS RELEASE Balkan Energy School is established to support regional market integration with the EU and promote the energy transition The association is based at ARERA and its first chairman…
PRESS RELEASE Gas: gas bill up (+13.7%) for consumption in November ARERA communicates the value of the commodity: 91.2 €/MWh. Milan, 2 December 2022 - Gas bill rises for households still under…
PRESS RELEASE Regulators approved the allocation of capacity for TAP expansion Milan, November 8, 2022 - The Regulatory Authorities of Albania (ERE), Greece (RAE), and Italy (ARERA) jointly approved…
PRESS RELEASE Gas: gas bill down (-12.9%) for consumption in October ARERA communicates the value of the commodity: € 78.05/MWh. Besseghini: “there’s no letting our guard down” Milan, 3 November 2022…
PRESS RELEASE Energy: Retail Monitoring for 2021 published The report summarizes the competitive dynamics, the quality of the service and the state of arrears Milan, 19 October 2022 – ARERA…
PRESS RELEASE Energy - Contractual changes possible only under specific condition AGCM Chairman Roberto Rustichelli and ARERA President Stefano Besseghini discuss the increases in bills and the…
PROGRAMMA BIENNALE DEGLI ACQUISTI DI FORNITURE E SERVIZI 2021/2022 DELL'AMMINISTRAZIONE Autorita' di Regolazione per Energia Reti e Ambiente - Direzione Affari Generali e Risorse SCHEDA A: QUADRO…
PRESS RELEASE Energy: extraordinary measure of ARERA avoids the doubling of prices, limiting the increase to +59%. Gas price will be updated at the end of each month. Reporting to the Government and…
Risultati visualizzati: da 21031 fino a 21040 - Totale: 21973
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