PRESS RELEASE Gas: uncertainty and high prices call for new procedures for updating the cost of the commodity for users on protection regime offers the update since 1 October changes from quarterly…
ARERA: THE FIGURES FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES The volumes of the Authority’s Annual Report are now on-line. 2021 data for electricity, gas, water and waste. Rome, 15 July 2022 With the presentation by the…
PRESS RELEASE Energy: electricity (+0.4%) and gas are stable By Government decree and Authority interventions, the impact of increases has been mitigated for both domestic users and companies.…
PRESS RELEASE “Monitoring of supply contracts for the import of gas into Italy” report sent to Parliament and the Government most of our imported gas is index-linked to the TTF and the rest to the…
Press Release The European Forum of Electricity Regulation concluded in Rome Rome, 10 June 2022 – The annual meeting of the Electricity Regulatory Forum, the European forum on the regulation of…
PRESS RELEASE GdF-ARERA: Joint controls in 2021 lead to the recovery of Euro 18.2 million, mainly in Energy Inversion of the trend on amounts recovered after the Covid emergency year. Focus on Sogin…
PRESS RELEASE WATER: First analysis of the Technical Quality of water service in Italy published. 26 companies on the podium, with differences between north and south. The 6-parameter survey on the…
Osservatorio permanente della regolazione energetica, idrica e del teleriscaldamento Settimo incontro 27 aprile 2022 ore 15.00 – 16.30 in videoconferenza su piattaforma Microsoft TEAMS Ordine del…
PRESS RELEASE Gas: ARERA approves further emergency measures to encourage filling of storage after the '2-way contracts' stock bonus as per Government decree, further measures have been approved to…
PRESS RELEASE Energy: - 10.2% for electricity and -10% for gas. The Authority approves first bill reduction in 18 months. Extended and enhanced bonus for families in need. Besseghini: "extraordinary…
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