PRESS RELEASE Energy: sharp reduction of -18.3% for electricity and -13.5% for gas overall savings of 184 €/year for the typical family. Coronavirus emergency and low consumption reduce wholesale…
PRESS RELEASE Coronavirus: more time to renew the social bonus Milan, 18 March 2020 - More time to apply to renew national social bonuses (electricity, gas and water) and simultaneous guarantee of…
PRESS RELEASE Coronavirus: for the 11 "former red zone” municipalities water, electricity, gas, and waste bills are suspended until 30 April. The ARERA resolution is valid for the municipalities of…
PRESS RELEASE Coronavirus: ARERA blocks disconnections for arrears for electricity, gas and water bills Up to 1 bn for current and future assistance for consumers, closest deadlines envisaged by the…
PRESS RELEASE ENERGY: REGULATORS IN THE BALKANS FOR A SINGLE EU MARKET. IN SOFIA PHASE 3 OF THE “KEP”. Milan, 21 February 2020 - The first technical seminar held today in Sofia saw the start of the…
PRESS RELEASE Electric mobility: introducing a smart charging system to avoid peaks in the distribution systems and consequent possible network tariff increases The contents of the ARERA position…
SEMINARIO ARERA AMMODERNAMENTO DELLE COLONNE MONTANTI DEGLI EDIFICI INTERVENTO UNARETI S.P.A. Milano | 18.02.2020 Overview generale Unareti Reti elettriche Comuni di Milano e Rozzano Comune di…
IRETI – Distribuzione Energia Elettrica AMMODERNAMENTO COLONNE MONTANTI VETUSTE DEGLI EDIFICI delibera 467/2019/R/eel 18/02/2020 Davide Carena Responsabile Manutenzione e Lavori Torino INDICE 1.…
PRESS RELEASE 10 YEARS SUPPORTING CONSUMERS €42 million recovered in favour of end users and over 5 million calls managed Rome, 18 February 2020 - The Energy and Environment Consumer Help Desk…
Sperimentazione ammodernamento colonne montanti vetuste Milano, 18 febbraio 2020 Modalità di adesione del condominio alla sperimentazione Ambito della sperimentazione: condomini con colonne…
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