Osservatorio permanente della regolazione energetica, idrica e del teleriscaldamento - Gruppo di lavoro “Gas” TAVOLO TECNICO MOROSITA’ Venerdì 8 novembre 2019 ore 11,00 – 13.30 Milano, Piazza…
Osservatorio permanente della regolazione energetica, idrica e del teleriscaldamento Verbale sintetico della 26^ riunione GdL “Efficienza Energetica” Milano - Roma, 4 novembre 2019 Il giorno 4 del…
PRESS RELEASE WASTE: NEW TARIFF METHOD AND FIRST TRANSPARENCY RULES INTRODUCED Besseghini: "A more efficient system, also to counteract the grey areas" Milan, 31 October 2019 – Incentivize the…
PRESS RELEASE Gas: ARERA meets GASREG, the Egyptian gas authority Green light to the collaboration between the two Authorities in view of the liberalisation process of the Egyptian gas market Milan,…
Tabella 1: Componenti tariffarie A2, A3, A4, A5,AS A2 A3 centesimi di euro/kWh Tipologie di contratto di cui comma 2.2 del Testo integrato centesimi di euro/punto di prelievo per anno per…
PRESS RELEASE Energy: electricity at +2.6% and gas at +3.9% Seasonality and international tensions behind the increase. Annual expenditure for families remains substantially the same (+1% compared…
Osservatorio permanente della regolazione energetica, idrica e del teleriscaldamento Verbale sintetico 10^ riunione GdL “Gas” Milano - Roma, 20 settembre 2019 Il giorno 20 settembre 2019, presso la…
PRESS RELEASE Waste: by the end of 2019 the first national tariff method and new transparency rules incentives for investments to improve management and quality of service, in the first phase of the…
PRESS RELEASE Electricity: with capacity market parameters having been defined, everything is ready for the launch of the mechanism ARERA approves economic and technical aspects for auctions to…
PRESS RELEASE Electricity and gas: 52 million calls to operators' call centres and over 500,000 written complaints. ARERA published a Call Centre Report and a Complaint Report. Over € 8 million to…
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