PRESS RELEASE Waste: consultations begin on first tariff method With transparency obligations, added protection and information for users. Investment incentives for management and service quality…
PRESS RELEASE Waste: first tariff method by the end of the year two measures have been merged and the timeframe has been set to allow local authorities and environmental service providers to…
PRESS RELEASE Automating the Social bonus on the bill for those who are entitled to ARERA notice to Parliament and Government for a rule that guarantees the required discounts for electricity, gas…
PRESS RELEASE Energy: green light to the electricity and gas “Portale Consumi” from 1st July first phase of launched, the website allows you to know your energy consumption…
PRESS RELEASE Energy: from July gas bills still declining, -6.9%, slight increase for electricity, +1.9% Milan, 25 June 2019 - After the strong declines in the last quarter, a trend generally in…
PRESS RELEASE Awareness, innovation and uniform development in the ARERA Strategic Framework supporting consumer awareness, enabling companies to invest in technological innovation for the…
PRESS RELEASE Italy - Malta pipeline: ARERA and REWS allocate costs to the Maltese system Milan, 5 June 2019 - ARERA and the Maltese energy regulator REWS have adopted a common decision on the…
PRESS RELEASE Avoiding the use of general bill charges for non-energy purposes, risk of impact on households and companies ARERA notice to Government and Parliament on Articles 37 and 50 (Alitalia)…
IL Bonus sociale gas Gabriella Utili Direzione Advocacy Consumatori e Utenti Milano 24 maggio 2019 Milano, 24 maggio 2019 Il quadro normativo (1) Legge 23 dicembre 2005 n.266/05 (art.1, comma…
Osservatorio permanente della regolazione energetica, idrica e del teleriscaldamento Gruppo di lavoro Gas - Settimo incontro - Morosità dei clienti finali nel settore del gas naturale:…
Risultati visualizzati: da 21251 fino a 21260 - Totale: 21970
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