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Risultati: 21970
- 10/11/2023
PRESS RELEASE Waste: consultations begin on first tariff method With transparency obligations, added protection and information for users. Investment incentives for management and service quality…  
- 10/11/2023
PRESS RELEASE Waste: first tariff method by the end of the year two measures have been merged and the timeframe has been set to allow local authorities and environmental service providers to…  
- 10/11/2023
PRESS RELEASE Automating the Social bonus on the bill for those who are entitled to ARERA notice to Parliament and Government for a rule that guarantees the required discounts for electricity, gas…  
- 10/11/2023
PRESS RELEASE Energy: green light to the electricity and gas “Portale Consumi” from 1st July first phase of launched, the website allows you to know your energy consumption…  
- 10/11/2023
PRESS RELEASE Energy: from July gas bills still declining, -6.9%, slight increase for electricity, +1.9% Milan, 25 June 2019 - After the strong declines in the last quarter, a trend generally in…  
- 10/11/2023
PRESS RELEASE Awareness, innovation and uniform development in the ARERA Strategic Framework supporting consumer awareness, enabling companies to invest in technological innovation for the…  
- 10/11/2023
PRESS RELEASE Italy - Malta pipeline: ARERA and REWS allocate costs to the Maltese system Milan, 5 June 2019 - ARERA and the Maltese energy regulator REWS have adopted a common decision on the…  
- 10/11/2023
PRESS RELEASE Avoiding the use of general bill charges for non-energy purposes, risk of impact on households and companies ARERA notice to Government and Parliament on Articles 37 and 50 (Alitalia)…  
- 19/11/2023
IL Bonus sociale gas Gabriella Utili Direzione Advocacy Consumatori e Utenti Milano 24 maggio 2019 Milano, 24 maggio 2019 Il quadro normativo (1)  Legge 23 dicembre 2005 n.266/05 (art.1, comma…  
- 19/11/2023
Osservatorio permanente della regolazione energetica, idrica e del teleriscaldamento Gruppo di lavoro Gas - Settimo incontro - Morosità dei clienti finali nel settore del gas naturale:…  
Risultati visualizzati: da 21251 fino a 21260 - Totale: 21970