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Risultati: 22073
Osservatorio permanente della Regolazione energetica, idrica e del teleriscaldamento 18 febbraio 2022 Teleriscaldamento efficiente e calore di scarto: un connubio non scontato Andrea Rossetti Gian…  
Osservatorio permanente della Regolazione energetica, idrica e del teleriscaldamento Incontro gruppi di lavoro Il teleriscaldamento sostenibile e flessibile Venerdì 18 febbraio 2022 ore 10.30-12.30…  
- 10/11/2023
PRESS RELEASE Energy: - 10.2% for electricity and -10% for gas. The Authority approves first bill reduction in 18 months. Extended and enhanced bonus for families in need. Besseghini: "extraordinary…  
- 10/11/2023
PRESS RELEASE Gas: ARERA approves further emergency measures to encourage filling of storage after the '2-way contracts' stock bonus as per Government decree, further measures have been approved to…  
- 19/11/2023
Osservatorio permanente della regolazione energetica, idrica e del teleriscaldamento Settimo incontro 27 aprile 2022 ore 15.00 – 16.30 in videoconferenza su piattaforma Microsoft TEAMS Ordine del…  
- 10/11/2023
PRESS RELEASE WATER: First analysis of the Technical Quality of water service in Italy published. 26 companies on the podium, with differences between north and south. The 6-parameter survey on the…  
- 10/11/2023
PRESS RELEASE GdF-ARERA: Joint controls in 2021 lead to the recovery of Euro 18.2 million, mainly in Energy Inversion of the trend on amounts recovered after the Covid emergency year. Focus on Sogin…  
- 10/11/2023
Press Release The European Forum of Electricity Regulation concluded in Rome Rome, 10 June 2022 – The annual meeting of the Electricity Regulatory Forum, the European forum on the regulation of…  
- 10/11/2023
PRESS RELEASE “Monitoring of supply contracts for the import of gas into Italy” report sent to Parliament and the Government most of our imported gas is index-linked to the TTF and the rest to the…  
Dir. Resp.:Luciano Fontana Tiratura: 256.617 Diffusione: 241.331 Lettori: 1.701.000 Peso:61% Servizi di Media Monitoring Il presente documento e' ad uso esclusivo del committente. 504-001-001 …  
Risultati visualizzati: da 971 fino a 980 - Totale: 22073